DRAINAGE followed by an attempt to marsupialize the cyst or abscess cavity has become an established method of treatment for Bartholin cysts or abscesses. The operation is safe and technically easy. Various techniques to ensure successful marsupialization have been described. Davies (1948) used a simple generous incision and an iodoform gauze pack which was replaced twice weekly for three weeks. Jacobson (I 960) dissected beneath the skin flaps so as to expose the whole dome of the cyst wall before making an incision into the cyst cavity itself. The cavity was then irrigated with warm saline solution and the cyst wall sutured to the skin. Word (1964) kept an inflatable rubber tipped catheter in the cyst or abscess cavity for six weeks. Many surgeons pin their faith to the excision of an ellipse of skin overlying the lesion. Good results are usually obtained. In America Jacobson (1960) had only four recurrences in 152 operations. In this country Blakey (1958) and Siganos (1961) were impressed with the frequency with which the stoma remained patent in their 14 and 12 cases respectively. The present survey examines the results obtained at the Chelsea Hospital for Women for marsupializations performed during the years 1960 to 1964 inclusive.

[1]  B. Word New Instrument for Office Treatment of Cyst and Abscess of Bartholin's Gland , 1964 .

[2]  E. Siganos Marsupialization of Bartholin's Cysts , 1961, British medical journal.

[3]  D. Blakey THE TREATMENT OF BARTHOLIN'S CYSTS BY MARSUPIALIZATION , 1958, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire.

[4]  P. Jacobson Marsupialization of vulvovaginal (Bartholin) cysts: report of 140 patients with 152 cysts. , 1960, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.