5. General system design principles

Publisher Summary Micro-irrigation systems are designed to transport water from a source through a delivery network of pipes and emission water devices to a crop. The general goal of a micro-irrigation system design is to provide irrigation water uniformly and efficiently to a crop to help meet the evapo-transpiration needs and to maintain a favorable root zone water balance. Associated goals are to increase fruit or fiber production or to maintain plant visual quality. Other water delivery goals may be to protect plants and/or fruits and flowers from extreme temperature conditions (hot or cold), to apply crop or soil chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.), or to dispose wastewater, which can be an important resource. Thus, the ultimate design will vary from one system to another. System goals need to be established with defined objectives, system constraints, and a desired set of outcomes to be used as a common theme throughout the design process. This will help with the selection and placement of specific components, sizing, and layout of the distribution system, and the development of appropriate operational guidelines and procedures. In this chapter, most of the discussion is focused on the design processes specifically related to micro-irrigation systems in terms of sources of water, system hydraulics, and micro-irrigation components.

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