Fourier phase mapping of the human heart. The use of spatial modulation of magnetization cine magnetic resonance imaging.

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Fourier phase mapping of cine cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging offers noninvasive analysis of temporal cardiac activation patterns. The aim of our investigation was to extend this analysis to intramyocardial dynamics. METHODS A fast-imaging with steady-state precision (FISP) two-dimensional gradient echo spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM) sequence and a segmented two-dimensional FISP-SPAMM sequence were applied to acquire cine MR images of the complete cardiac cycle on a 1.5-tesla imager. Signal intensity data were submitted to pixel-wise Fourier phase analysis. Color-encoded amplitude and phase maps were displayed for visual analysis. RESULTS Using the unsegmented SPAMM two-dimensional FISP sequence, a more consistent tag-to-myocardium contrast and a higher number of cardiac phases was achieved than by using the segmented version of this sequence. The typical tag displacement reflected complex intramyocardial dynamics, including rotation. Phase mapping displayed a pattern of contraction consistent with electrophysiologic concepts of cardiac activation. In contrast, the segmented sequence did not reflect any differences in the onset of cardiac contraction, although tag displacement was apparent with this sequence as well. CONCLUSIONS. Fourier phase mapping of cardiac MR imaging tagging studies allows for noninvasive analysis of intramyocardial activation patterns. A temporal resolution of 50 mseconds per image at a heart rate of 75 beats per minute allows for an assessment of spatial differences in the onset of myocardial activation.