Mobility Patterns forMobile AdHocNetwork Using OLSR

Distributed inobility patterns based onrelative speed, randomlirectiotn ofmobile nodes with variable communication rangeinmobile adhocnetworks areproposed. Inthese patterns, transient disturbances inrouting tables andneighbor tables dueto,fast moving nodes andtheir effect onperlbrmance ofnetwork isconsidered. We introduced theconcept of communication rangeandremoteness formobile nodesand integrate these withthemobility ofnodes 'through random waypoint mobility motel. We characterized themobility of nodeswithnewmobility patterns through optimized link state routing tOLSR)protocol, without breaking thebackward compatibility with earlier versions. Simulation results showthat communication range shotuld havevalute constraint according to mobility ofnodeswm'ithin network. Throughput alsoincreases dur-ing mobility oftodes after establishing bidirectional link without anyforwarding node ascompared tostatic network.

[1]  Pietro Manzoni,et al.  ANEJOS: a Java based simulator for ad hoc networks , 2001, Future Gener. Comput. Syst..