Automatic Representation for Lifetime Value Recommender Systems

Many modern commercial sites employ recommender systems to propose relevant content to users. While most systems are focused on maximizing the immediate gain (clicks, purchases or ratings), a better notion of success would be the lifetime value (LTV) of the user-system interaction. The LTV approach considers the future implications of the item recommendation, and seeks to maximize the cumulative gain over time. The Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework is the standard formulation for optimizing cumulative successes over time. However, RL is rarely used in practice due to its associated representation, optimization and validation techniques which can be complex. In this paper we propose a new architecture for combining RL with recommendation systems which obviates the need for hand-tuned features, thus automating the state-space representation construction process. We analyze the practical difficulties in this formulation and test our solutions on batch off-line real-world recommendation data.

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