Physics of Nanostructured Solar Cells

Foreword Preface Photonic structures for solar cell systems Thermodynamics of photovoltaic conversion: Advanced energy collection and hot carrier solar cell Improving Silicon Solar Cell Efficiencies: Novel Materials, Mechanisms and Device Structures Photovoltaic Effects in Quantum Confined Systems: Microscopic Theory and Numerical Simulation Quantum Resonance Effects and Solar Cell Efficiency Intermediate Band Solar Cells and the Variation of Efficiency due to the Overlap between Absorption Coefficients Algorithms for electronic states in artificial semiconductors of use in intermediate band solar cells engineering Up and down conversion: Modification of the incident spectrum Advanced solar cells with down-conversion of high-energy photons, antireflection coatings and light trapping Recent Developments in High Efficiency Multijunction Solar Cell Technology Luminescent Solar Concentrator A dye-sensitized solar cell A Comparison of the Nernst-Planck and Maxwell-Stefan Approaches to Modelling Multicomponent Charge Transport in Electrolyte Solutions Numerical modelling of dye-sensitized solar cells Advances in nanostructured organic solar cells Conjugated polymer charge-transfer complexes: a way to low-bandgap photostable materials Index.