Iot-based Integrated Home Security and Monitoring System

Home safety remains a critical issues not only in metropolitan city but sub-urban area, particularly for people who spend many activity outside home. A proven strategies to improve and make sure security system and monitoring house environment remotely is needed. This study design and develop an integrated home security and monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT) by combined the Arduino-nano and NodeMCU ESP8266 as a controller. The home security system involved RFID reader, numerical code to open the door and email notifications to users. The monitoring system used PIR sensor to detect the intruder, DHT-22 sensor to detect the room temperature and humidity, rain sensor to detect the rain, fire sensor to detect the stove's fire, and LDR sensors to monitor the light condition. Also, we set up light bulbs and solenoid valves used as the actuators. The results of this study showed that the system can monitor the condition of the house and control the output of lights and solenoid valves remotely by using an application on the smartphone through internet connection.