Two approaches to realize the VCSEL devices based on GaAs substrates are investigated. The first approach utilizes InGaAs quantum wells with dilute nitride to extend the bandgap toward long wavelenegth. The second approach utilizes InAs/InGaAs quantum dots based on Stranski and Krastanov growth mode with confinement and strain combined to adjust the bandgap to 1.3 μm wavelength. High quality epitaxial layers with low threshold have been achieved with MBE and MOCVD. VCSEL performances that have been achieved are: Multimode operation at 1.303 μm with slope efficiency of 0.15 W/A (0.2 W/A), and maximum power of 1 mW (4 mW) for room temperature CW (pulse) operation have been achieved with MBE-grown In GaAaN active regions. Room temperature, CW single mode operation with SMSR > 40 dB at 1.303 μm has also been achieved with a slope efficiency of 0.17 W/A and maximum power of 0.75 mW also with MBE-grown InGaAaN active regions. In addition, MOCVD grown has also achieved a performance at 1.29 μm with slope efficiency, 0.066 W/A, and maximum power, 0.55 mW. VCSELs with 9 layers of quantum dots and all-semiconductor DBRs also achieved lasing at 1.3 μm.