Stone columns as liquefaction countermeasure in non-plastic silty soils

In many cases densification with vibro-stone columns cannot be obtained in non-plastic silty soils. Shear stress re-distribution concepts [1] have been previously proposed as means to assess stone columns as a liquefaction countermeasure in such non-plastic silty soils. In this study, centrifuge testing is conducted to assess the performance of this liquefaction countermeasure. Attention is focused on exploring the overall site stiffening effects due to the stone column placement rather than the drainage effects. The response of a saturated silt stratum is analyzed under base dynamic excitation conditions. In a series of four separate model tests, this stratum is studied first without, then with stone columns, as a free-field situation, and with a surface foundation surcharge. The underlying mechanism and effectiveness of the stone columns are discussed based on the recorded dynamic responses. Effect of the installed columns on excess pore pressures and deformations is analyzed and compared. The test results demonstrate that stone columns can be an effective technique in the remediation of liquefaction induced settlement of non-plastic silty deposits particularly under shallow foundations, or vertical effective stresses larger than about 45 kPa (1000 psf) in free field conditions.