Making Strategic Spatial Plans

Part 1 The revival of strategic spatial planning in Europe, Patsy Healy An institutional approach to spatial planning, Patsy Healy. Part 2 A plan of hope and glory - an example of development planning in Denmark after Maastricht, Ib Jorgenson, Finn Kjersdam, Jan Nielsen Building strategic urban planning in france - the Lyon urban area experiments 1981-1983, Alan Motte Images as institution builders - metropolitan planning in Madrid, Michael Neuman Building new institutions for strategic planning - transforming Lisbon into the Atlantic capital of Europe, Lia Vasconcelos and Arminda Reis Plan-making for urban in the Zurich region Hellmut Ringli Strategic development planning in Western Norway - Hordaland county and the city of Bergen, Arid Holt-Jensen Rhetoric and reality in British structure planning in Lancashire - 1993-1935, Simin Davoudi, Patsy Healy, Angela Hull A plan with a purpose - the regional plan for the province of Friesland 1994, Barrie Needham Working in a democratic communication - the Schema Strutturale for the province of Grosseto 1990, Alessandro Vignozzi. Part 3 The institutional relations of plan making, Planning strategies and planning methods, Barrie Needham Strategic plan- Alain Motte, Barrie Needham.