Near-common-path interferometer for imaging Fourier-transform spectroscopy in wide-field microscopy.

Imaging Fourier-transform spectroscopy (IFTS) is a powerful method for biological hyperspectral analysis based on various imaging modalities, such as fluorescence or Raman. Since the measurements are taken in the Fourier space of the spectrum, it can also take advantage of compressed sensing strategies. IFTS has been readily implemented in high-throughput, high-content microscope systems based on wide-field imaging modalities. However, there are limitations in existing wide-field IFTS designs. Non-common-path approaches are less phase-stable. Alternatively, designs based on the common-path Sagnac interferometer are stable, but incompatible with high-throughput imaging. They require exhaustive sequential scanning over large interferometric path delays, making compressive strategic data acquisition impossible. In this paper, we present a novel phase-stable, near-common-path interferometer enabling high-throughput hyperspectral imaging based on strategic data acquisition. Our results suggest that this approach can improve throughput over those of many other wide-field spectral techniques by more than an order of magnitude without compromising phase stability.

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