매립지별 악취물질 농도 특성 및 배출량 추정

In this study, leachate treatment facility (outlet, facility inside) and landfill sections (vent systems, landfill surface)of nine landfills is being buried in korea were studied emission characteristics of odor compounds. Air dilutionvalue in ventpipes of landfill section was generally highest and was more 3 times higher than emission standard(air dilution value of facilities outlet : 500) in Daejeon, Tongyeong, and Busan landfill. Outlet of leachate treatmentfacilities in Tongyeong and Daegu landfill, in case, was higher respectively 20 times, 6 times than other landfills,commonly show that a large contribution to the odor of hydrogen sulfide. In case of ordor emission rate, ammoniaand hydrogen sulfide were surveyed to comprise a high rate for odor emission rate. Odor emissions based onlandfill scale, large landfill (Sudokwon) and small landfills (Yeosu, Chuncheon, Chungju) is low in odor emissionsper unit area, whereas medium landfill (Busan, Daejeon, Daegu) was estimated to be high odor emissions. In caseof large landfill, leachate treatment facilities is management in good condition and discharged odor emission oflandfill sections was low into ambient air. In case of small landfill, decay gases and leachate is few. Thereforeodor emissions is fewer than estimated medium landfill. In case of medium landfill, management condition ofleachate treatment facility was in poor and landfill sections was under not stabilization stage. Thus, mediumlandfills was identified that needs to be intensive care.