Why Leaders Lose their Way

Purpose – The authors sought the answer to the question, “Why do so many developing leaders either fail to reach their full potential or cross the line into destructive or even unethical actions?”Design/methodology/approach – To find out, they interviewed many successful leaders of major organizations and studied the case histories of failed top leaders. The study of unsuccessful leaders revealed a pattern: the failed leaders couldn't lead themselves. On their leadership journey these high potential managers adopted a set of personal behaviors that worked temporarily but were unsustainable in the long run.Findings – The heroic model of leadership turns out to be merely an early stage – one with risks, temptations, misbehaviors – and one that needs to be outgrown. In contrast, successful leaders who move beyond the hero stage learn to focus on others, gain a sense of a larger purpose, foster multiple support networks, and develop mechanisms to keep perspective and stay grounded.Research limitations/implica...