The Scientific Case
The targets of the main program will be selected by the scientific committee, among cool stars of G and K-type, on the main sequence or giant branch. Each one will be tracked continuously for 3 months. In addition, less demanding targets will be observed, during periods when twilight and dawn may hamper the continuous observations (1 month each). These additional targets can be chosen among slowly-rotating high-amplitude classical pulsators, such as delta Scuti stars (main sequence, or PMS). The expected very high precision on the measurements of eigenfrequencies will allow us to tightly constrain the models of the interiors of these stars, extending to cooler stars the observational constraints brought by the CoRoT space mission. The much better S/N in the velocity data leads to more accurate frequency determination and the ability to detect modes of lower frequencies that buried in the noise in intensity observations. Both points are very important for structure inversion and asteroseismic investigation of stellar interiors.