Verification of an Experimental Platform Integrating a Tobii Eyetracking System with the HiFi Game Engine

not more than 200 words) Playing a commercial PC or consol game is a highly visual activity, regardless of whether the purpose is entertainment or situated learning as discussed in the Serious Games field. If more information about the visual attention of the player can be recorded and easily analysed, important design information can be extracted. A range of different eyetracking equipment exists on the market and has been used in many studies over the years. However, very few studies describe dynamic stimuli involving the visual interaction of the user/player with a moving 3D object displayed on a computer screen. The reasons for this are that methods and software developed for eyetracking studies of static 2D stimuli are inappropriate for dynamic 3D stimuli, and manual analysis of dynamic 3D visual interaction is extremely time consuming. In order to address this, the authors have developed a software interface between the TobiiTM eyetracking system and the HiFi Game Engine for use in automated logging of dynamic 3D objects of gaze attention. This report describes the verification study performed to assess the performance of this integration between the eyetracker, logging tools and game engine. Detailed analysis shows effective results within the derived accuracy range, which is certainly sufficient for studies from a small scale to large scales necessary for extensive statistical analysis. The work presented in the report has been conducted in collaboration between FOI, Blekinge Institute of Technology and Gotland College.