Climate change influence on Vegetation Indices (VIs) dynamics upon application of interim ecological monitoring (IEM) based on remote sensing data

The aim of the study is to obtain a quantitative assessment of soil type impact on the soil-vegetation system through the respective models. To achieve this goal, the vegetation cover of a habitat under Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive) for the 2016-2019 time period and the influence of climatic factors (precipitation and temperature) on the vegetation cover by applying Interim Ecological Monitoring (IEM) based on remotely-sensed data. Multispectral satellite data (MSI) from Sentinel-2 have been used for quantification of the soil-vegetation system. Various types of Vegetation Indices like Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soiled-adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI2), Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII), have been estimated to determine the actual state of the vegetation cover. For tracking the “soil-vegetation” relation Normalized Differential Greenness Index (NDGI) has been applied based on orthogonalization of satellite data from Sentinel-2. The results obtained are validated by interim ecological monitoring methodology (MIEM) for habitats and are expected to review habitat(s) trends for the indicated period and such for a near - future period. The study will demonstrate the benefits of IEM application for the purposes of reporting under art. 17 from Habitats Directive.