Parasympathetic arousal-related cortical activity is associated with attention during cognitive task performance

Parasympathetic arousal is associated with states of heightened attention and well-being. Arousal may affect widespread cortical and subcortical systems across the brain, however, little is known about its influence on cognitive task processing and performance. In the current study, healthy adult participants (n = 20) underwent multi-band echo-planar imaging (TR = 0.72 s) with simultaneous pulse oximetry recordings during performance of the Multi Source Interference Task (MSIT), the Oddball Task (OBT), and during rest. Processing speed on both tasks was robustly related to heart rate (HR). Participants with slower HR responded faster on both the MSIT (33% variance explained) and the OBT (25% variance explained). Within all participants, trial-to-trial fluctuations in processing speed were robustly related to the heartbeat-stimulus interval, a metric that is dependent both on the concurrent HR and the stimulus timing with respect to the heartbeat. Models examining the cardiac-BOLD response revealed that a distributed set of regions showed arousal-related activity that was distinct for different task conditions. Across these cortical regions, activity increased with slower HR. Arousal-related activity was distinct from task-evoked activity and it was robust to the inclusion of additional physiological nuisance regressors into the models. For the MSIT, such arousal-related activity occurred across visual and dorsal attention network regions. For the OBT, this activity occurred within fronto-parietal regions. For rest, arousal-related activity also occurred, but was confined to visual regions. The pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus showed arousal-related activity during all three task conditions. Widespread cortical activity, associated with increased parasympathetic arousal, may be propagated by thalamic circuits and contributes to improved attention. This activity is distinct from task-evoked activity, but affects cognitive performance and therefore should be incorporated into neurobiological models of cognition and clinical disorders.

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