Symbiogenesis as a driving force of evolution: The legacy of Boris Kozo-Polyansky

We analyze evolutionary views of Boris Kozo-Polyansky (1890-1957) who was the first who formulated the symbiotic theory of evolution as a concept in his book, Symbiogenesis: A New Principle of Evolution (1924). Later, starting from 1967, Lynn Margulis independently formulated and further developed the concept of symbiogenesis. Although the ideas on the symbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria appeared earlier, the book of Kozo-Polyansky presented symbiogenesis as the main factor of complexification in the course of evolution, not only in relation to the origin of eukaryotic cell. Kozo-Polyansky incorporated the ideas of symbiogenesis into a broader paradigm that anticipated the important concepts of the modern Extended Evolutionary Synthesis such as the idea of net of life, the evolutionary role of apoptosis, the ideas of punctuated equilibrium, and the concept of metasystem transition.

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