Water balance, transpiration and canopy conductance in two beech stands

Abstract Measurements of sap flow, vapour fluxes, throughfall and soil water content were conducted for 19 months in a young beech stand growing at low elevation, in the Hesse forest. This experiment is part of the Euroflux network, covering 15 representative European forests. Study of the radial variation of sap flow within tree trunks, showed a general pattern of sap flux density in relation to the depth below cambium. Among-tree variation of sap flow was also assessed, in order to determine the contribution of the different crown classes to the total stand transpiration. Stand sap flow and vapour flux, measured with eddy covariance technique, were well correlated, for half hourly as well for daily values, the ratios of the fluxes for both averaging periods being 0.77. A strong canopy coupling to the atmosphere was found, omega factor ranging between 0.05 and 0.20 relative to the windspeed. Canopy conductance variation was related to a range of environmental variables: global radiation, vapour pressure deficit, air temperature and soil water deficit. In addition to the effect of radiation and of vapour pressure deficit often found in various other tree species, here beech exhibited a strong reduction in canopy conductance when air temperature decreased below 17°C. The model of transpiration was calibrated using data measured in the Hesse forest and applied to another beech stand under mountainous conditions in the Vosges mountains (east France). Measured and modelled stand transpiration were in good agreement.

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