Genetics of cellular, individual, family, and population variability

1. Medieval mappaemundi and the conceptual map of genetics: Changing views of cancer biology and other thoughts 2. Impact of genetic, somatic, and epigenetic variation on phenotype 3. Impact of genetic variation in individuals - clonal phenotypes other than cancer 4. Human consanguinity effects revisited: Why is the measurable impact of inbreeding so small? 5. Genetic risks from exposure to the atomic bombs: Hiroshima and Nagasaki 6. Genotype by environment interaction - It's a fact of life 7. Problems and pitfalls in linkage mapping of human genetic diseases: Illustrations from autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) 8. Applications of pedigree analysis to animal models for complex diseases 9. Genetics of common diseases that aggregate, but do not segregate, in families 10. Pathodemes: Heredity, environment, and populations of disease susceptibility 11. Genetic inferences from epidemiologic investigations 12. Generalized occupancy problem and its applications in population genetics 13. The maintenance of genetic variation in bacterial populations 14. Some theoretical predictions for electrophoretic polymorphisms maintained by balancing selection 15. Application of our understanding of genetic variation in native North America 16. Genetic variation and evolution of human populations 17. Nucleotide diversity in man and evidence for the absence of a severe bottleneck during human evolution 18. Population genetics and evolution in the genus homo in the last two million years