An evaluation of the arrangements for the provision of floating support services in Lancashire : Report for Lancashire County Council Supporting People
The current arrangements for the provision of Supporting People floating support services across Lancashire have now been in operation since 2007. This model of service commissioning was developed in response to a number of concerns about the previous approach, based on commissioning district level services, including: the degree of variability in service standards; inequitable client and geographical coverage; and value for money. As the reconfigured service has now been in operation for nearly four years it was felt to be an appropriate time to evaluate the current arrangements in terms of whether or not they had overcome the concerns associated with the previous pre 2007 arrangements. This report documents the findings from the review undertaken by the University of Salford, commencing with an outline of the rationale for the development of the
current floating support service delivery arrangements. This is followed by an explanation of the methodological approach adopted for the review including details of the various stakeholder groups who participated in the evaluation. An important point to note is that only a sample of stakeholders contributed to the research and it is possible that the views of those who did not participate may be different to those that did. The third section documents the findings from the review, considering a number of specific issues in turn which relate primarily to the aims of the evaluation. The final section presents a series of recommendations on the basis of the review.