Middle East/Africa report. over 23,000 miles of pipelines are under construction or planned

In the Middle East and Africa, 13,580 km of pipeline are under construction and another 23,664 km are awaiting start, proposed, or under study. Gas and crude lines, which account for 15,392 km of the 22,022 km under way or planned in the Middle East, include two Saudi Arabian projects (a crude facility and a natural gas liquids line) which total 2381 km, and two major Abu Dhabi projects (a two-line gas/natural gas liquids system and an offshore oil gathering network). In Africa, Algeria accounts for Vertical Bar3: 50Vertical Bar3< of current and future pipeline construction as its 30 yr hydrocarbon development plan continues. In Nigeria, neary $5 billion will be spent to build a 45 million cu m/day LNG plant and related facilities at the Bonny export terminal. Current and future gas, crude, products, other, and total pipeline projects are tabulated by country, and the projects for each country are discussed in detail.