Pressure and temperature effects on degradation kinetics and storage stability of total anthocyanins in blueberry juice.
The degradation kinetics of total anthocyanins in blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) juice were studied during thermal processing by treatment at selected temperatures (60-121 °C) and combined high pressure-temperature processing (100-700 MPa, 40-121 °C). Anthocyanin stability was also studied for several of these treatments during storage at 4, 25, and 40 °C. Both pressure and temperature increased d, the degradation rate of total anthocyanins in blueberry juice, meaning that at constant temperature, anthocyanins were more rapidly degraded with increasing pressure. For example, 32% degradation of anthocyanins was observed after 20 min heating at 100 °C and atmospheric pressure, whereas at 100 °C and 600 MPa, approximately 50% of total anthocyanins were lost. Degradation of anthocyanins was significantly accelerated with increasing storage temperatures. Combined pressure-temperature treatment of pasteurized juice led to a slightly faster degradation of total anthocyanins during storage compared to heat treatments at ambient pressure. Degradation of anthocyanins was best described by a 1.4th-order reaction at all conditions investigated. A mathematical model describing the degradation of blueberry anthocyanins in juice as a function of pressure, temperature, and treatment time is presented.