The Golden Age Has Begun

Applied climatology has been the foundation upon which the world’s weather-sensitive activities and infrastructure have been developed. Applications of climate data and information have likely contributed more to the development of most nations than any other function of the atmospheric sciences. Th e recent development of useful weather forecasts has been important, but these developments have not overshadowed a parallel recent progress in applied climatology. A variety of scientifi c and technological advances, coupled with a changing society, have led applied climatology into its golden era. What is applied climatology? The answer may seem obvious, but the defi nition of applied climatology is elusive for several reasons. Activities falling under the umbrella of applied climatology are spread among many disciplines, as well as having interfaces with many parts of the atmospheric sciences, collectively forming myriad interactions. Th e fi eld is truly interdisciplinary, embracing climatologists and those of other disciplines, including hydrology, agriculture,

[1]  H. Landsberg Climate as a natural resource. , 1946, The Scientific monthly.