Geolocation of electric bikes recharging stations: City of Quito study case

The aim of this research was to develop a geographical information system with multi-criteria decision making methods for selecting the most feasible location to install electric bikes recharging stations in the City of Quito. For such purpose, the ideal solution-similarity preference ranking and weighted overlay techniques have been used as multi-criteria decision making methods. In addition, the analytic hierarchy process method was performed for calculating the weights of each criterion. Moreover, a standardisation process that consists of establishing an overall performance index to evaluate the results was applied. Finally, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyse mutual correspondence between multi-criteria decision making methods. The resulting Pearson correlation coefficients indicate that the two selected multi-criteria decision making methods provided similar results. In this context, the methods analysed covered similar solutions and indicated that multi-criteria decision making methods are a powerful tool to select ideal locations for electric bikes recharging stations.