노인 거주 단독주택 욕실의 안전사고 예방을 위한 공간 특성 및 사용실태
The purpose of the study was to find out spatial characteristics and net usage of bathroom in senior house for preventing injuries. The data for the analysis was collected through interview survey method from July 19 to 28, 2016, and the sample consisted of 20 respondents-who are above 60-living in detached house in Dongducheon. Survey categories were categorized into health status, bathroom peculiarity, usage of the space, and experience of possible injuries. The data were analyzed through contents analysis and basic statistics. The results were as follows : 1) Seniors had experienced injuries in bathroom more than once. In fact, injuries were caused by spatial problem such as slippery flooring and high sill. 2) More than half of the respondents, who experienced injuries, gained fear and appeared to change how they use the bathroom; the worst case was one injury caused one to be a total dependent senior.