Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012. An indicator-based report

Jürgen Vogt | Panos Panagos | Emanuele Lugato | Andrej Ceglar | Andreas Marx | Geertrui Louwagie | Arwyn Jones | Juha Kiviluoma | Jaroslav Mysiak | Adriaan Perrels | Wouter Vanneuville | Markus Erhard | Mikael Hildén | Paul Watkiss | Andrea Bigano | Jørgen E. Olesen | Heikki Lehtonen | Katarzyna Biala | Jonathan E. Suk | Stéphane Isoard | Martin Schönhart | Pasquale Borrelli | Josef Settele | Gilles Chomat | Adrian Simmons | Lorenzo Galbiati | Stefan Fronzek | Sandor Szalai | Luc Feyen | André Jol | Oliver Schweiger | Jan C. Semenza | Vladimir Kendrovski | Jonathan Spinoni | Hans-Martin Füssel | Andrus Meiner | Karl Steininger | Birgit Georgi | A. Meiner | L. Feyen | J. Vogt | A. Simmons | A. Perrels | B. Kurnik | J. Kiviluoma | J. Olesen | P. Linden | J. Semenza | Franz Prettenthaler | K. Steininger | O. Schweiger | J. Barredo | J. Settele | E. Lugato | Arwyn Jones | P. Borrelli | Panos Panagos | J. Spinoni | S. Isoard | J. Mysiak | M. Schönhart | K. Biała | S. Fronzek | A. Marx | S. Castellari | P. Watkiss | M. Hilden | M. Erhard | H. Füssel | A. Jol | T. Christiansen | P. Kristensen | W. Vanneuville | G. Louwagie | B. Georgi | L. Galbiati | L. Eichler | B. Delbaere | M. Elmi | P. Roggero | A. Ceglar | D. Vaughan | S. Szalai | H. Lehtonen | R. Kipling | S. Niemeyer | T. Lung | V. Kendrovski | Johnny Reker | M. Leitner | Ben Delbaere | Kristine S. Madsen | Stefan Niemeyer | Tobias Lung | Marcus Reckermann | J. Reker | Sergio Castellari | A. Bigano | K. Madsen | Á. Aparicio | A. Bastrup-Birk | Frank Wugt-Larsen | G. Chomat | K. Čivić | Douglas Crawford–Brown | M. Jurek | Krista Kampus | W. Lexer | B. Meakins | E. Musco | M. Palmer | M. Reckermann | H. Zingstra | Peter Kristensen | Franz Prettenthaler | Markus Leitner | Angel Aparicio | Annemarie Bastrup-Birk | Blaz Kurnik | Frank Wugt-Larsen | José Barredo | Trine Christiansen | Kristijan Civic | Douglas Crawford–Brown | Lisa Eichler | Marianna Elmi | Matthias Jurek | Krista Kampus | Richard Kipling | Wolfgang Lexer | Bryony Meakins | Eleonora Musco | Matthew Palmer | Pier P. Roggero | David Vaughan | Henk Zingstra | Paul van der Linden | Other

[1]  Laura Meller,et al.  How climate proof is the European Union’s biodiversity policy? , 2015, Regional Environmental Change.

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[3]  E. Lugato,et al.  Modelling Soil Organic Carbon Changes Under Different Maize Cropping Scenarios for Cellulosic Ethanol in Europe , 2014, BioEnergy Research.

[4]  P. Harrison,et al.  Cross-sectoral impacts of climate change and socio-economic change for multiple, European land- and water-based sectors , 2015, Climatic Change.

[5]  P. Harrison,et al.  Modelling the effects of cross-sectoral water allocation schemes in Europe , 2015, Climatic Change.

[6]  I. Omann,et al.  Assessing policy robustness of climate change adaptation measures across sectors and scenarios , 2015, Climatic Change.

[7]  Robert J. Nicholls,et al.  An integrated approach for assessing flood impacts due to future climate and socio-economic conditions and the scope of adaptation in Europe , 2015, Climatic Change.

[8]  C. Wiklund,et al.  Climate change, phenology, and butterfly host plant utilization , 2015, AMBIO.

[9]  J. Moreno,et al.  Influencia del cambio climático en el turismo de nieve del Pirineo. Experiencia del proyecto de investigación NIVOPYR , 2014 .

[10]  E. Fischer,et al.  Models agree on forced response pattern of precipitation and temperature extremes , 2014 .

[11]  K. Richardson,et al.  Deep primary production in coastal pelagic systems: importance for ecosystem functioning , 2014 .

[12]  Sylvain Delzon,et al.  Climate change and European forests: what do we know, what are the uncertainties, and what are the implications for forest management? , 2014, Journal of environmental management.

[13]  P. Munday,et al.  Effects of elevated CO 2 on fish behaviour undiminished by transgenerational acclimation , 2014 .

[14]  Marie Launay,et al.  Climatic indicators for crop infection risk: Application to climate change impacts on five major foliar fungal diseases in Northern France , 2014 .

[15]  Sarah J. Gurr,et al.  The global spread of crop pests and pathogens , 2014 .

[16]  James Harle,et al.  Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to changes in harmful algal bloom distribution in response to climate change: projections based on model analysis , 2014, Global change biology.

[17]  Martha B. Dunbar,et al.  Magnitude of extreme heat waves in present climate and their projection in a warming world , 2014 .

[18]  Fahim N. Tonmoy,et al.  Assessment of vulnerability to climate change using indicators: a meta‐analysis of the literature , 2014 .

[19]  Panos Panagos,et al.  Wind erosion susceptibility of European soils , 2014 .

[20]  K. Taylor,et al.  Quantifying underestimates of long-term upper-ocean warming , 2014 .

[21]  Panos Panagos,et al.  Potential carbon sequestration of European arable soils estimated by modelling a comprehensive set of management practices , 2014, Global change biology.

[22]  A. Simmons,et al.  The Concept of Essential Climate Variables in Support of Climate Research, Applications, and Policy , 2014 .

[23]  Stephanie C. Herring,et al.  Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective , 2014 .

[24]  X. Fettweis,et al.  Sensitivity of Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance to perturbations in sea surface temperature and sea ice cover: a study with the regional climate model MAR , 2014 .

[25]  Jonathan E. Suk,et al.  International Dispersal of Dengue through Air Travel: Importation Risk for Europe , 2014, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

[26]  João Pedro Nunes,et al.  Water Resources Response to Changes in Temperature, Rainfall and CO2 Concentration: A First Approach in NW Spain , 2014 .

[27]  Aslak Grinsted,et al.  Upper limit for sea level projections by 2100 , 2014 .

[28]  A. Anesio,et al.  Biological impact on Greenland's albedo , 2014 .

[29]  F. Otto,et al.  A Sign of Things to Come? Examining four major climate-related disasters, 2010-2013, and their impacts on food security , 2014 .

[30]  S. Hajat,et al.  Comparative Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality in the United Kingdom and Australia , 2014, Environmental health perspectives.

[31]  H. Fowler,et al.  Future changes to the intensity and frequency of short‐duration extreme rainfall , 2014 .

[32]  Xuebin Zhang,et al.  Detection and attribution of global mean thermosteric sea level change , 2014 .

[33]  Xavier Fettweis,et al.  Stable climate and surface mass balance in Svalbard over 1979–2013 despite the Arctic warming , 2014 .

[34]  Franz Prettenthaler,et al.  Does artificial snow production pay under future climate conditions? – A case study for a vulnerable ski area in Austria , 2014 .

[35]  C. Tebaldi,et al.  Probabilistic 21st and 22nd century sea‐level projections at a global network of tide‐gauge sites , 2014 .

[36]  B. Menne,et al.  Are European countries prepared for the next big heat-wave? , 2014, European journal of public health.

[37]  T. Kjellstrom,et al.  Excessive occupational heat exposure: a significant ergonomic challenge and health risk for current and future workers , 2014, Extreme Physiology & Medicine.

[38]  P. Huybrechts,et al.  Ice-dynamic projections of the Greenland ice sheet in response to atmospheric and oceanic warming , 2014 .

[39]  P. Harrison,et al.  Exploring climate change vulnerability across sectors and scenarios using indicators of impacts and coping capacity , 2014, Climatic Change.

[40]  R. Vautard,et al.  Regional climate modeling on European scales: a joint standard evaluation of the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble , 2014 .

[41]  Reimund P. Rötter,et al.  Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become more frequent with climate change , 2014 .

[42]  H. Fowler,et al.  Heavier summer downpours with climate change revealed by weather forecast resolution model , 2014 .

[43]  Annelise Tran,et al.  Environmental predictors of West Nile fever risk in Europe , 2014, International Journal of Health Geographics.

[44]  P. Bates,et al.  Advances in pan‐European flood hazard mapping , 2014 .

[45]  P. Harrison,et al.  Linkages between biodiversity attributes and ecosystem services: A systematic review , 2014 .

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[47]  Stephan Pfahl,et al.  Characterising the relationship between weather extremes in Europe and synoptic circulation features , 2014 .

[48]  Jaume Rosselló-Nadal,et al.  How to evaluate the effects of climate change on tourism , 2014 .

[49]  J. Kind,et al.  Economically efficient flood protection standards for the Netherlands , 2014 .

[50]  Graham J. Pierce,et al.  Cetacean range and climate in the eastern North Atlantic: future predictions and implications for conservation , 2014, Global change biology.

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[54]  T. Wahl,et al.  North Sea Storminess from a Novel Storm Surge Record since AD 1843 , 2014 .

[55]  S. Kotlarski,et al.  21st century climate change in the European Alps--a review. , 2014, The Science of the total environment.

[56]  Wolfgang Nentwig,et al.  A Unified Classification of Alien Species Based on the Magnitude of their Environmental Impacts , 2014, PLoS biology.

[57]  Olivier Boucher,et al.  Adjustments in the Forcing-Feedback Framework for Understanding Climate Change , 2014 .

[58]  K. Bedka,et al.  A new physically based stochastic event catalog for hail in Europe , 2014, Natural Hazards.

[59]  Adam A. Scaife,et al.  Skillful long‐range prediction of European and North American winters , 2014 .

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[63]  M. Bevis,et al.  Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming , 2014 .

[64]  J. Långmark,et al.  Large Outbreak of Cryptosporidium hominis Infection Transmitted through the Public Water Supply, Sweden , 2014, Emerging infectious diseases.

[65]  S. Castellari,et al.  Performance evaluation of high‐resolution regional climate simulations in the Alpine space and analysis of extreme events , 2014 .

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[67]  Luigi Ponti,et al.  Fine-scale ecological and economic assessment of climate change on olive in the Mediterranean Basin reveals winners and losers , 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[68]  D. Stammer,et al.  Projecting twenty-first century regional sea-level changes , 2014, Climatic Change.

[69]  Timo Vihma,et al.  Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Decline on Weather and Climate: A Review , 2014, Surveys in Geophysics.

[70]  Eric Rignot,et al.  Sustained increase in ice discharge from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, from 1973 to 2013 , 2014, Geophysical Research Letters.

[71]  Bart Jourquin,et al.  Climate change impacts on transport on the Rhine and Danube: A multimodal approach , 2014 .

[72]  Thorsten Mühlhausen,et al.  Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience of European Air Traffic in Extreme Weather Events , 2014 .

[73]  R. Vautard,et al.  The European climate under a 2 °C global warming , 2014 .

[74]  J. Rosselló,et al.  Recent trends in international tourist climate preferences: a revised picture for climatic change scenarios , 2014, Climatic Change.

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[76]  Andrea Battisti,et al.  Invasion by the chestnut gall wasp in Italy causes significant yield loss in Castanea sativa nut production , 2014 .

[77]  Kees Roos,et al.  Economically Efficient Standards to Protect the Netherlands Against Flooding , 2014, Interfaces.

[78]  Jonathan E. Suk,et al.  Indicators for Tracking European Vulnerabilities to the Risks of Infectious Disease Transmission due to Climate Change , 2014, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

[79]  Benjamin P. Horton,et al.  Expert assessment of sea-level rise by AD 2100 and AD 2300 , 2014 .

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[81]  X. Basagaña,et al.  Effects of Heat Waves on Mortality: Effect Modification and Confounding by Air Pollutants , 2014, Epidemiology.

[82]  Panos Panagos,et al.  A new baseline of organic carbon stock in European agricultural soils using a modelling approach , 2014, Global change biology.

[83]  Olga Didova,et al.  Empirical estimation of present-day Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment and ice mass change , 2013, The Cryosphere.

[84]  GRID--Arendal Future Imperfect: Climate Change and Adaptation in the Carpathians , 2014 .

[85]  D. Jaroszweski,et al.  Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience of European Rail Transport in Extreme Weather Events , 2014 .

[86]  Richard S. J. Tol,et al.  Key Economic Sectors and Services , 2014 .

[87]  N. Macgregor,et al.  Proceedings of the European Conference "Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europe - an ecological, policy and economic perspective" , 2014 .

[88]  F. Schultmann,et al.  Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience of European Road Transport in Extreme Weather Events , 2014 .

[89]  Stewart J. Cohen,et al.  Climate Change 2014: Impacts,Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , 2014 .

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[98]  Michael Obersteiner,et al.  Forest fires and adaptation options in Europe , 2014, Regional Environmental Change.

[99]  Keywan Riahi,et al.  A new scenario framework for climate change research: the concept of shared climate policy assumptions , 2014, Climatic Change.

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[103]  José Manuel Gutiérrez,et al.  Forest fire danger projections in the Mediterranean using ENSEMBLES regional climate change scenarios , 2014, Climatic Change.

[104]  Keywan Riahi,et al.  A new scenario framework for Climate Change Research: scenario matrix architecture , 2014, Climatic Change.

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[107]  Paul Watkiss,et al.  Climate change and river floods in the European Union: Socio-economic consequences and the costs and benefits of adaptation , 2013 .

[108]  A. Møller,et al.  Effects of climate change on European ducks: what do we know and what do we need to know? , 2013 .

[109]  Frédéric Jiguet,et al.  Observed and predicted effects of climate change on species abundance in protected areas , 2013 .

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[114]  W. Fitzhugh,et al.  Arctic sea-ice decline archived by multicentury annual-resolution record from crustose coralline algal proxy , 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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[116]  E. Fischer,et al.  Improved simulation of extreme precipitation in a high‐resolution atmosphere model , 2013 .

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[119]  James E. M. Watson,et al.  Mapping vulnerability and conservation adaptation strategies under climate change , 2013 .

[120]  Jürgen P. Kropp,et al.  On the statistics of urban heat island intensity , 2013 .

[121]  M. D. Frías,et al.  Variability of extreme precipitation over Europe and its relationships with teleconnection patterns , 2013 .

[122]  Camilo Mora,et al.  The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability , 2013, Nature.

[123]  Benjamin A. Lopman,et al.  A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Global Seasonality of Norovirus , 2013, PloS one.

[124]  Lilibeth A. Acosta,et al.  A spatially explicit scenario-driven model of adaptive capacity to global change in Europe , 2013 .

[125]  John A. Church,et al.  Towards a global regionally varying allowance for sea-level rise , 2013 .

[126]  Benjamin F. Jones,et al.  What Do We Learn from the Weather? The New Climate-Economy Literature , 2013 .

[127]  Carrie V. Kappel,et al.  Global imprint of climate change on marine life , 2013 .

[128]  Louise Sandberg Sørensen,et al.  Scatter of mass changes estimates at basin scale for Greenland and Antarctica , 2013 .

[129]  D. Otranto,et al.  Effects of global changes on the climatic niche of the tick Ixodes ricinus inferred by species distribution modelling , 2013, Parasites & Vectors.

[130]  T. Stacke,et al.  Multimodel projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change , 2013 .

[131]  P. Dowling,et al.  The impact of climate change on the European energy system , 2013 .

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[135]  David B. Stephenson,et al.  A Multimodel Assessment of Future Projections of North Atlantic and European Extratropical Cyclones in the CMIP5 Climate Models , 2013 .

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[137]  R. Ostfeld,et al.  Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: From Evidence to a Predictive Framework , 2013, Science.

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[139]  Jordi Sardans,et al.  Evidence of current impact of climate change on life: a walk from genes to the biosphere , 2013, Global change biology.

[140]  C. Duarte,et al.  Photosynthetic activity buffers ocean acidification in seagrass meadows , 2013 .

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[146]  M. R. van den Broeke,et al.  A Reconciled Estimate of Glacier Contributions to Sea Level Rise: 2003 to 2009 , 2013, Science.

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[148]  N. Wrage,et al.  Future consequences and challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate change in Central Europe - a review. , 2013, Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience.

[149]  J. Semenza,et al.  Mapping Environmental Suitability for Malaria Transmission, Greece , 2013, Emerging infectious diseases.

[150]  Mercedes Pascual,et al.  Climate change and infectious diseases : Can we meet the needs for better prediction ? , 2013 .

[151]  Carlos M Duarte,et al.  Impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms: quantifying sensitivities and interaction with warming , 2013, Global change biology.

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[153]  C. Lavalle,et al.  A multi-hazard regional level impact assessment for Europe combining indicators of climatic and non-climatic change , 2013 .

[154]  B. Kurnik,et al.  Analysing Seasonal Differences between a Soil Water Balance Model and in Situ Soil Moisture Measurementsat Nine Locations Across Europe , 2013, Environmental Modeling & Assessment.

[155]  F. Zwiers,et al.  Is the storminess in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis really inconsistent with observations? A reply to the comment by Krueger et al. (2013b) , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

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[157]  Dennis P. Lettenmaier,et al.  Global river discharge and water temperature under climate change , 2013 .

[158]  Warren E. Walker,et al.  Dynamic adaptive policy pathways: A method for crafting robust decisions for a deeply uncertain world , 2013 .

[159]  X. Fettweis,et al.  Important role of the mid-tropospheric atmospheric circulation in the recent surface melt increase over the Greenland ice sheet , 2013 .

[160]  J. C. Marlin,et al.  Plant-Pollinator Interactions over 120 Years: Loss of Species, Co-Occurrence, and Function , 2013, Science.

[161]  Anuj Srivastava,et al.  Updated analyses of temperature and precipitation extreme indices since the beginning of the twentieth century: The HadEX2 dataset , 2013 .

[162]  Laurence C. Smith,et al.  New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury , 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[163]  Niklaus E. Zimmermann,et al.  Climate change may cause severe loss in the economic value of European forest land , 2013 .

[164]  Christofer Åström,et al.  Heat-related respiratory hospital admissions in Europe in a changing climate: a health impact assessment , 2013, BMJ Open.

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[167]  Ole Magnus Theisen,et al.  Is climate change a driver of armed conflict? , 2013, Climatic Change.

[168]  D. Gerten,et al.  Climate impacts on global irrigation requirements under 19 GCMs, simulated with a vegetation and hydrology model , 2013 .

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[171]  Other,et al.  Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 1: Air, Sea and Precipitation and Water , 2013 .

[172]  José I. Barredo,et al.  Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services - An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under action 5 of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 , 2013 .

[173]  Daniela JacobJuliane,et al.  EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research , 2013 .

[174]  H. Hoff Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services in the Mediterranean Region to Climate Changes in Combination with Other Pressures , 2013 .

[175]  J. Rosselló,et al.  Mediterranean Tourism and Climate Change: Identifying Future Demand and Assessing Destinations’ Vulnerability , 2013 .

[176]  G. Meehl,et al.  Near-term climate change:projections and predictability , 2013 .

[177]  G. Hegerl,et al.  Climate Extremes: Challenges in Estimating and Understanding Recent Changes in the Frequency and Intensity of Extreme Climate and Weather Events , 2013 .

[178]  S. Hales,et al.  Heat-related mortality risk model for climate change impact projection , 2013, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.

[179]  D. Easterling,et al.  Observations: Atmosphere and surface , 2013 .

[180]  G. Hegerl,et al.  Detection and attribution of climate change: from global to regional , 2013 .

[181]  Evan Miles,et al.  Regional and global projections of twenty-first century glacier mass changes in response to climate scenarios from global climate models , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[182]  S. Gualdi,et al.  THE CIRCE SIMULATIONS Regional Climate Change Projections with Realistic Representation of the Mediterranean Sea , 2013 .

[183]  Keywan Riahi,et al.  A new scenario framework for climate change research: the concept of shared socioeconomic pathways , 2013, Climatic Change.

[184]  CO N S U Ltat,et al.  PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change , 2013 .

[185]  C. Tebaldi,et al.  Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility , 2013 .

[186]  Matthias Weitzel,et al.  Missing the target? A critical view on butterfly conservation efforts on calcareous grasslands in south-western Germany , 2012, Biodiversity and Conservation.

[187]  Sven Kotlarski,et al.  Alpine snow cover in a changing climate: a regional climate model perspective , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[188]  S. Jevrejeva,et al.  New Data Systems and Products at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level , 2013 .

[189]  H. Kujala,et al.  Does the protected area network preserve bird species of conservation concern in a rapidly changing climate? , 2013, Biodiversity and Conservation.

[190]  S. Randolph,et al.  Driving forces for changes in geographical distribution of Ixodes ricinus ticks in Europe , 2013, Parasites & Vectors.

[191]  R. S. Nerem,et al.  Comparison of Global Mean Sea Level Time Series from TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 , 2012 .

[192]  Martin Vermeer,et al.  Long-term sea-level rise implied by 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming levels , 2012 .

[193]  S. Seneviratne,et al.  Elusive drought: uncertainty in observed trends and short- and long-term CMIP5 projections , 2012 .

[194]  Eric Rignot,et al.  A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance , 2012, Science.

[195]  Xavier Fettweis,et al.  Evidence and analysis of 2012 Greenland records from spaceborne observations, a regional climate model and reanalysis data , 2012 .

[196]  H. Wieser,et al.  Does elevated atmospheric CO2 allow for sufficient wheat grain quality in the future , 2012 .

[197]  J. Vogt,et al.  Development of a Combined Drought Indicator to detect agricultural drought in Europe , 2012 .

[198]  Luc Feyen,et al.  Correction to “Assessment of future flood hazard in Europe using a large ensemble of bias‐corrected regional climate simulations” , 2012 .

[199]  T. A. Buishand,et al.  Trends in European precipitation extremes over 1951–2010 , 2012 .

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