Tablet Bilgisayarların Fen Ve Teknoloji Derslerinde Kullanılmasıyla İlgili Fen Ve Teknoloji Öğretmenlerinin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi/ Examınatıon Of Scıence Teachers' Opınıons Related To Tablet Pcs Usıng In Scıence And Technology Courses
Bu calisma, Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nin Fatih Projesi kapsaminda okullarda kullanilacak olan tablet bilgisayarlarla ilgili fen ve teknoloji ogretmenlerinin goruslerinin farkli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmada betimsel desenlerden tarama yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmaya 2011-2012 egitim-ogretim yilinda Erzurum ilinde gorev yapan toplam 120 fen ve teknoloji ogretmeni katilmistir. Arastirmanin verileri Uzoglu & Bozdogan (2012) tarafindan hazirlanan "Tablet Pc Anket Formu" ve Bindak ve Celik (2006) tarafindan gelistirilen "Bilgisayar Tutum Olcegi" kullanilarak elde edilmistir. Arastirmanin verileri yuzde, frekans, tek faktorlu Anova ve Khi-kare testleri ile analiz edilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda ogretmenlerin bilgisayar tutum puanlari ile tablet bilgisayarlari destekleme durumlari arasinda anlamli bir fark gorulmustur. Benzer sekilde ogretmenlerin tablet pc'yi destekleme durumlari mezuniyet bransina gore de anlamli farklilik gostermektedir. Ayrica fen ve teknoloji ogretmenleri tablet bilgisayarlarin fen ve teknoloji derslerinde kullanilmasinin en onemli avantajlarini, “a) Fen ve teknoloji dersini gorsellerle ve animasyonlarla daha eglenceli hale getirebilir ve b) Ogrencilerin fen ve teknoloji dersine olan ilgisini artirabilir” seklinde belirtmistir. Ogretmenler tablet bilgisayarlarin en onemli dezavantajlarini ise “a) Ogrenciler tablet bilgisayarlari cok cabuk bozabilir ve b) Tablet bilgisayarlarin yaydigi radyasyon goz vs. sagliga zarar verebilir” seklinde ifade etmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Fen ve Teknoloji Ogretmeni, Fatih Projesi, Tablet Bilgisayar. Abstract This study was conducted to investigate views of science and technology teachers about tablet computer project of Ministry of National Education in terms of different variables. Descriptive survey method was used in the research. The sample of this study consisted of 120 science and technology teachers who worked in Erzurum city center in 20011–2012 academic year. The data were obtained by using “Tablet Pc questionnaire form” which was developed by Uzoglu & Bozdogan (2012) and “Computer Attitude Scale” which was developed by Bindak and Celik (2006). The data were analyzed via SPSS by utilizing frequency, percentages, arithmetic mean, ANOVA and Chi-Square test. The result of the study was showed that between science and technology teachers' PC Attitude score with support the using of tablet PC in schools was a significant difference statistically. Similarly, the status of support tablet PC of teachers also showed significant differences according to branch of graduation. In addition, according to preservice science teachers, the most important advantages of tablet PCs using in science and technology courses “a) science and technology courses can more fun with visuals and animations and b) students' interest can increase in science and technology courses” were expressed. They were also expressed the most disadvantages of tablet PCs using in science and technology courses “a) social interaction can reduce among the students and b) The radiation of tablet PC spread may give harm to health such as eyes etc.” Key Words : Science and Technology Teacher, Fatih Project, Tablet PC.