Maintenance Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions
Part 1 Maintenance management fundamentals: maintenance management methodologies measurement in maintenance management data acquisition materials management optimization. Part 2 Managing equipment reliability: assessing and managing risk reliability by design - reliability centred maintenance reliability by operator - total productive maintenance. Part 3 Optimizing maintenance decisions: reliability management and maintenance optimization - basic statistics and economics maintenanceoptimization models optimizing maintenance and replacement decisions optimizing condition based maintenance. Part 4 Conclusion: achieving maintenance excellence appendix 1 -mean time to failure appendix 2 - median ranks appendix 3 -censored data appendix 4 - the 3-parameter Weibull function appendix 5 - confidence intervals appendix 6 - estimating (also called fitting) the distribution appendix 7 - Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test appendix 8 - present value appendix 9 -cost of capitalrequired for economic-life decisions appendix 10 - optimal number of workshop machines to meet a fluctuating workload appendix 11 - optimal size of a maintenance workforce to meet a fluctuating workload, taking into account subcontracting opportunities appendix 12 - fuzzy logic appendix 13 - neural nets appendix 14 - optimal interval between preventive replacements of equipment subject to breakdown appendix 15 -optimal preventive replacement age of equipment subject to breakdown appendix 16 -optimal preventive replacement age of equipment subject to breakdown, taking into account the times required to effect failure and preventive replacements appendix 17 - optimal replacement interval for capital equipment -minimization of total cost appendix 18 - optimal replacement age of an asset taking into account tax considerations appendix 19 -optimal replacement policy for capital equipment taking into account technological improvement - finite planning horizon appendix 20 - optimalreplacement policy for capital equipmnent taking into account technological improvement - infinite planning horizon appendix 21 - optimal inspection frequency - minimization of downtime.