Speech enabled algorithm for multilingual educational game

In this paper we propose an algorithmii that utilizes the Artificial Intelligence bcased techniques including Heuristic Search and natural language processing to enable tlhe single user to plaiy the game at any time with the coimputer withoutt waiting far the availability of other player. As well as we propose to acldd tlhe support of the vocabularv oJ other regional languages such as Urdu / Sindhi/ Paslhto witha the speech synthesis based pronunciation facility. Thae tools and tlhe technologies that are to be used for the implemtientation of the algorithm include: Microsoft VB and AI Techniques along with mttultilingual dictioncaries. The imtplemlentation of this algoritlhm wouldfacilitate any one in general and studcents in particulair to butild a strong ivocabulary of acny language with just the fun of playing. Thlis wouild provide a direct contriburtion to thze educcation an1d literacyaclong with entertainment.