Geometric Disentanglement for Generative Latent Shape Models

Representing 3D shapes is a fundamental problem in artificial intelligence, which has numerous applications within computer vision and graphics. One avenue that has recently begun to be explored is the use of latent representations of generative models. However, it remains an open problem to learn a generative model of shapes that is interpretable and easily manipulated, particularly in the absence of supervised labels. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach to partitioning the latent space of a variational autoencoder for 3D point clouds in a natural way, using only geometric information, that builds upon prior work utilizing generative adversarial models of point sets. Our method makes use of tools from spectral geometry to separate intrinsic and extrinsic shape information, and then considers several hierarchical disentanglement penalties for dividing the latent space in this manner. We also propose a novel disentanglement penalty that penalizes the predicted change in the latent representation of the output,with respect to the latent variables of the initial shape. We show that the resulting latent representation exhibits intuitive and interpretable behaviour, enabling tasks such as pose transfer that cannot easily be performed by models with an entangled representation.

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