Contributions to decision making

Part 1 Conceptual and review papers: biases in multi-attribute weight elicitation, K. Borcherding et al on modelling risky choice - why reasons matter, L.L. Lopes uncertainty and decision making - expert treatment of human expertise, M. Spies. Part 2 Symposium and workshop papers: the theory of image theory - an examination of the central conceptual structure, T. Connolly and L.R. Beach contextual effects in judgement and choice, A. Parducci and J.-M. Fabre aggegation, rationality, and risk communication - three current debates in medical decision making, D.R.M. Timmermans et al. Part 3 Experimental and modelling papers: rationality of expectations in judgmental extrapolation of time series, F. Bolger and N. Harvey the persistence of dilemma - the cause of the loss and the "transactions" and "script" hypotheses, N. Bonini et al distributed decision making in dynamic environments - time scales and architectures of decision making, B. Brehmer and P. Swenmarck a dynamic model for multi-attribute decision problems, A. Diederich desirability and hindsight biases in predicting results of a multi-party election, I. Fischer and D.V. Budescu strategies in dynamic decision making - does teaching heuristic strategies by instruction affect performance?, A. Jansson how can my belief that Pakistan has a larger population than Sri Lanca become related to a relative frequency? towards a change of the explanandum, P. Juslin categorical decision analysis for environmental management - a sigerian gas distribution case, O. Larichev et al framing elaborations and their effects on choice behaviour - a comparison across problem isomorphs and subjects with different levels of expertise, A.J. Maule risk orientation in dynamic decision making, E. Pascoe and N. Pidgeon disenchanting hindsight bias, R. Pohl testing in a rule discovery task - strategies of test choice and test result interpretation, F. Poletiek framing and time-inconsistent preferences, P.H.M.P. Roelofsma and G. Keren.