Systems Development: Technology-Push, User-Pull, or Producer-Motivated?
There are many models of the flow of ideas in the development of a high-technology system. One of the simplest models is shown in Figure 1. This one ignores other essential functions such as flow of material, management of people, and supply of money, and it does not address motivation. It starts with the generation of new ideas in science and technology through research, discovery, and invention. Some of these ideas and knowledge are the basis for exploratory development, whose goal is to discover useful properties of new technology and combinations of new with old. Combinations with attractive properties are subjected to advanced development, whose goal is a particular, specific design. After necessary detail and refinement have been added, this design is embodied in a system or piece of equipment which is manufactured, tested, and evaluated. If its performance and usefulness are in accord with expectations, it will be purchased, deployed, and used. The stages are strung together in a line like beads on...
[1] Technological Planning and Social Futures , 1972 .
[2] Devendra Sahal,et al. Research, Development and Technological Innovation , 1980 .
[3] Morton I. Kamien,et al. Market Structure and Innovation: A Survey , 1975 .
[4] A.Wade Blackman,et al. New venture planning: The role of technological forecasting , 1973 .