Cuidando de idosos com Alzheimer: a vivência de cuidadores familiares

Alzheimer’s disease compromises an elderly person’s functional capacity, increasing his or her need for assistance. This study aimed to better understand processes involved in caring for elders with dementia. A descriptive, transversal method was used; data were collected between August, 2005 and August 2006. In-home interviews were conducted with family caregivers for demented elders (N = 14), service users at a school for healthcare practices. The data were analyzed using Bardin´s model for Content and Theme Analysis. The results show that the majority of caregivers confuse the onset of the disease with normal aging processes. As the disease progresses, the elders’ dependence levels increase. The elders’ behavior changes have a strong emotional impact on their caregivers. Some key factors that affect the caregiving experience include the stage of the disease, the strength of the family support network and family history.