A general approach to workpiece characterization in the frame of GPS (Geometrical Product Specification and Verification)
Abstract This paper introduces the application of statistical analysis of workpiece geometry measurement results regarding the recently developed so-called “Skin-Model”. The “Skin-Model” presents a new description for Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) with its associated details and on its basis every workpiece can be geometrically defined and considered by applying manipulations of the workpiece geometry. This determination is based on mathematical rules and definitions. It means that according to this determination every workpiece can be designed and on the other hand according to the design it can be measured very clearly. This model enables the complete implementation of Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) into Coordinate Measuring Techniques (CMT) and vice versa. As part of this implementation the software KOORMESS which was developed for transformation of measuring result is also integrated in this project. Selected series of workpieces from industrial manufacturers were measured in the precision measuring laboratory. Based on the measurement results gained it was possible to carry out extensive evaluations by using statistical methods e.g. correlation analysis. As result of the research project, conclusions can be drawn about the correlation between different geometrical deviations and the manufacturing conditions with the overall goal to achieve lower costs and higher quality in production.