Multi-criteria Analysis of Natural Gas Destination in Brazil: A Comparison of TODIM Against the Use of the Choquet Integral

Abstract This paper presents an application of the classical TODIM method that is compared against the use of the same approach, but extended through the Choquet Integral to evaluate and recommend alternatives for the destination of the discovery of natural gas reserves in Santos Basin. The application focus on the Mexilhao field, analyzing the uncertainties and risks involved, concerning the regional market (South America) as well as the influence of others (such as Europe and the US).In order to produce a decision, various quantitative as well as qualitative factors such as politics, available technologies, return vs. risk, balance between supply and demand in Brazil, environmental and social impacts, regulatory issues, timing of implementation and alignment with the company's strategies must be taken into account. This leads to a multi-criteria analysis. It can be seen through a non-parametric statistical sign test that there are no significant differences between the results from the two methods.