Mobile System to Guide Blind People in a Well-Known Environment

The system aids to low-vision disabled people to move in a well-known environment, at the University of Almeria. So, a 3G mobile phone has been used in order to help blind people to have a better standard of life because they could go from a building to other using his mobile phone. Therefore, audible instructions are used to inform the user, which will have been decided in advance by the computer vision module (the decision will be taken according to the environment). That module captures images in real time (using the camera of the mobile phone, which has to be over the chest of the user, fixed with a string) and recognizes static objects in the middle of the way. Moreover, it tries to avoid the situation in which the user is going out of the way. On the other hand, an application has been developed so as to supervise all the users of the system and even visualize their position.