Perception and recognition memory in monkeys following lesions of area TE and perirhinal cortex.

Monkeys with lesions of perirhinal cortex (PR group) and monkeys with lesions of inferotemporal cortical area TE (TE group) were tested on a modified version of the delayed nonmatching to sample (DNMS) task that included very short delay intervals (0.5 sec) as well as longer delay intervals (1 min and 10 min). Lesions of the perirhinal cortex and lesions of area TE produced different patterns of impairment. The PR group learned the DNMS task as quickly as normal monkeys (N) when the delay between sample and choice was very short (0.5 sec). However, performance of the PR group, unlike that of the N group, fell to chance levels when the delay between sample and choice was lengthened to 10 min. In contrast to the PR group, the TE group was markedly impaired on the DNMS task even at the 0.5-sec delay, and three of four monkeys with TE lesions failed to acquire the task. The results provide support for the idea that perirhinal cortex is important not for perceptual processing, but for the formation and maintenance of long-term memory. Area TE is important for the perceptual processing of visual stimuli.

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