Measurement of the 10 B(p, α 0 ) 7 Be cross section from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV in a single experiment using the Trojan Horse method

For the first time the astrophysical factor of the 10 B(p, α 0 ) 7 Be reaction has been measured over a wide energy range, from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV, via the Trojan horse method (THM) applied to the quasifree 2 H( 10 B, α 7 Be)n reaction. Therefore, the S(E) factor has been recast into absolute units by scaling in the energy range 200 keV- 1.2 MeV to a recent measurement using the activation method, leading to a normalization uncertainty of 4%. An R-matrix fit of the THM data was performed, to parametrize the S factor, obtain spectroscopic information on the populated resonances, and compare with other recent experiments. Finally, a new determination of the screening potential U e has been obtained, U e = 240 ± 50eV, with a much smaller error than our previous measurement. This work was published in Phys. Rev. C 95 , 035801 (2017).