Checkpointing improvement in ParJava environment

Publisher Summary This chapter discusses checkpointing improvement in ParJava environment. ParJava supports development and maintenance of data parallel programs. ParJava environment provides developers of a data parallel program a wide set of tools allowing analysis of its properties. These tools allow getting precise estimates of program execution time as a function of number of processor nodes used to execute it as well as to determine its scalability boundaries. ParJava-integrated environment provides symbolic execution of a parallel program model allowing analysis of its dynamic properties using only an instrumental computer. Therefore, data parallel program development period and debugging and tuning costs are reduced. This chapter gives a description of facilities supporting modeling execution of dataparallel program in ParJava Environment. The chapter also discusses the approach to checkpointing. Saving and restoring Java Virtual Machine (JVM) state is highlighted and different experimental results are presented. The chapter also presents a comparison of the related systems with corresponding facilities.