Dual band tuned radomes for radar applications
Although single band tuning helped some users, ATC radars usually incorporate two different radar antennas on the same pedestal. One is the primary surveillance radar (PSR) and the other is a monopulse secondary radar (MSSR) which doubles as an IFF. The MSSR can be mounted either above or below the PSR. Most PSR radars operate at either L or S bands while the MSSR operates at a different L band frequency. The disadvantages of zone tuning are addressed in the development of dual S/L band tuning; where all the joints in the radome use the same tuning configuration. The tuning mechanism reduce the induced field ratio (IFR) of the composite radome joints for both the PSR and MSSR band simultaneously. Typical IFR values of the dual band tuned joints are listed. This tuning method solves the logistic problems associated with the previously used zoned tuning. It also allows greater flexibility in using the same radome with different radars. >