MAITE: An Operator Assistance Expert System for Troubleshooting Telecommunications Networks

MAITE is a knowledge-based operator assistance system for trouble-shooting a large telecommunications network. Maite is capable of responding in real time to multiple alarms coming from different digital switches in the network. It provides the telecommunications operator with advice and guidance for diagnosis and repair tasks. Maite is based on a multi-agent blackboard architecture. Agents embody general knowledge of diagnosis and repair or specific expertise in the various components of the network. They can work in parallel interpreting alarms and performing diagnostic and repair tasks. Agents’ reasoning methods include temporal, model based, and expectation-based reasoning. Coordination is assured by organisation and agent specialization. Overall control of the system is achieved by a control agent that supervises communication with external units and integrates partial results from specialist agents. It is robust, can provide detailed explanations of its actions, and is easily extensible.