A New Fuzzy-Rough Hybrid Merit to Feature Selection

Feature selecting is considered as one of the most important pre-process methods in machine learning, data mining and bioinformatics. By applying pre-process techniques, we can defy the curse of dimensionality by reducing computational and storage costs, facilitate data understanding and visualization, and diminish training and testing times, leading to overall performance improvement, especially when dealing with large datasets. Correlation feature selection method uses a conventional merit to evaluate different feature subsets. In this paper, we propose a new merit by adapting and employing of correlation feature selection in conjunction with fuzzy-rough feature selection, to improve the effectiveness and quality of the conventional methods. It also outperforms the newly introduced gradient boosted feature selection, by selecting more relevant and less redundant features. The two-step experimental results show the applicability and efficiency of our proposed method over some well known and mostly used datasets, as well as newly introduced ones, especially from the UCI collection with various sizes from small to large numbers of features and samples.

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