Privacy Enhanced RFID Using Quasi-Dyadic Fix Domain Shrinking

Recently, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems are intensively studied and widely used in every-day applications, such as, retailing, supply chain management, and medical equipment management. Tags in RFID systems are highly efficient to be managed and tracked, but at the same time suffering from impersonation and privacy problems. Consequently, RFID systems are required to provide both efficient management, as well as authentication and privacy protection. In this paper, on the basis of fast and light-weight Niederreiter public-key cryptosystem, we propose an efficient RFID authentication protocol which satisfies the above requirements, and enjoys the following merits: 1) unlike most of the previous works that employ symmetric key cryptographic techniques, our proposal has a fast computation to find authenticated ID and needs no exhaustive search in database, which reduces the searching time significantly; 2) the memory size to store the key in RFID tags can be greatly reduced by our novel methods.