Research ontheMulti-Sensors Perceptual System ofA Wearable PowerAssist LegBasedonCANBUS
Inthepaper, amulti-sensors perceptual system is support. Theinteraction signals ofhuman-machine suchasthe proposed fora wearable powerassist leg(WPAL) whichis biological signals andtheforcesignals arereliable designed fortheelderly ordisabled people toenhance strengthinformation toestimate humanintentions. However, the andendurance during walking. WPAL estimates thewearer'sbiological signals suchasmyoelectricity cannot bemeasured intentions fromtheinteractive movementinformation ofhuman- WPAL systemsuchasthelegreaction force (LRF), theground p S reaction force(GRF) andthejoint angle. So,themulti-sensors movementinformation suchasthelegreaction force(LRF), perceptual system isdesigned toinclude LRF sensors, GRF theground reaction force(GRF), thekneejoint signal, thehip sensors andthejoint angle sensors. Thegeneral characteristics of joint angle signal andthebodyposture. Inorder togain the thesensors system areobtained through thedemarcationaboveinformation, a multi-sensor perceptual system is experiments andtheeffectiveness ofthemulti-sensors perceptual designed inthepaper based onCANUBS whichhassolved system isconfirmed through correlative experiments. The theproblem ofthetimely inferior ofthetraditional multi- experiment results showthattheperceptual system isstability sensors communication. andacute. Themulti-sensors perceptual system builds good Inthispaper, related worksaresummarized inthenext foundation forthecontrol oftheWPAL system. . ' Index Terms-WPAL.TheRehabilitation Robot. CANBUS.scinThwol deig oftemlisnospreta