Industrial applications study. Volume I. Executive summary: industrial waste energy data base technology evaluation. Final report

The basic purpose of this study is the development of a national industrial data base and a rational basis for the determination of the costs and benefits associated with the use of low-grade-waste thermal energy in the industrial sector. In order to develop potential priorities of technologies, an initial evaluation of industrial energy utilization at the two-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level was established. The objectives of this study are: (1) develop a methodology for the establishment of a meaningful industrial energy data base and a means to evaluate it; (2) establish an initial industrial data base from which to characterize and correlate industrial energy utilization; (3) define near- and intermediate-term industrial waste heat utilization technologies; and (4) establish assessment and priority matrices of industrial technologies, industrial waste energy streams, and 2-digit SIC industrial groups. This volume presents a summary of the industrial data base (section B), technology data base (section C), and the evaluation (section D) of the energy conservation potential and paybacks for the various technology-industrial waste stream combinations.