Bewertung von Softwaresystemen zur Langzeitarchivierung digitaler Objekte
This contribution is based upon results of the nestor expert's report »Comparison of Existing Archival Systems« and describes how a set of criteria for evaluating and selecting a software system for long-term preservationof digital objects can be developed and utilized. By way of introduction, the special features of digital objects and the responsibilities of digital archives in terms of long-term preservation of information are outlined.The specifications and general characteristics of software systems provide the basis for the development of a criteria catalog. This catalog must be tailored to the decision-making process. As a starting point for deriving the appropriate criteria, use is made of reference models, technologies, and applications as well as the results of related studies. The derivation of functional criteria is based on the reference model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). Non-functional criteria regarding cost and quality are then added.The essential elements in a set of criteria are thus laid out. A survey of existing software systems is to be found in the resume by the nestor expert group. In closing, there is a discussion of practical applications of such a criteria catalog as well as further support options in selecting a product.