The effects of pneumoperitoneum on intraperitoneal tumour implantation in nude mice
Objective The aim of the study was to examine the effect of a CO2 pneumoperitoneum on the intraperitoneal growth of tumour cells.
Design 6-week-old nude mice were stratified into four groups of 15 animals each. A CO2 pneumoperitoneum was induced by a micro-hysteroflator with an intraperitoneal pressure of 8 mm Hg for 90 min in groups 2 and 4. Two different tumour cell lines, suspended in 2 ml of Ringer solution for homogeneous spread of the cells, were injected i.p.. The control groups 1 and 3 received the tumour cells without pneumoperitoneum.
Results The induction of a CO2 pneumoperitoneum resulted in an increased seeding rate of tumour cells and provoked a significant increase in the number and size of intra-abdominal metastases.
Conclusion We conclude that present laparoscopic techniques should be evaluated with regard to the potential risk of intraperitoneal tumour growth in the case of malignant tumours.