Why Http Redirect Is the Model for the Future

The Internet provides tremendous flexibility, in that it can support a wide variety of services, and accessibility, in that these services can be invoked from anywhere. However, the current Internet architecture does not easily support service portability. If users want their service names to be persistent then they must stick with the same service provider because service names, such as email addresses, are tied to administrative domains. In this paper we present a system called Permafind that gives users a persistent name for their services while allowing them to switch among service providers. Permafind applies to a wide range of services, and is immediately deployable. Serendipitously, Permafind also allows dynamic service insertion thus permitting many of the capabilities of more revolutionary proposals such as i3. Permafind embodies no technical innovation, but it does suggest that the notion of redirection, as embodied in HTTP, is a crucial feature for future service protocols.