Dynamic Tolerance Analysis, part II: Issues to be resolved when applying bondgraphs

Based on the theoretical framework that has been discussed in part I, the implementation of part of the theoretical framework for dynamic tolerance analysis is discussed. The implementation has been based on two tools: an academic prototype of a geometric modeling system (FROOM) and a modeling and simulation system for physical systems based on bondgraphs (20—Sim). Based on the implementation, some issues have emerged which are discussed as well. Some of these issues are related to the particular implementation environment that was used and are therefore conceptually less demanding. However, there were also some issues which are not related to the implementation environment and that are less easy to solve. The main non—implementation related problems which obstruct the proper application of dynamic tolerance analysis using bondgraphs are the following: submodel library incompleteness, incompatibility of submodels and inadequate accuracy. The paper proposes some ways to resolve these issues. It also describes initial research that is currently being performed in addressing the issues mentioned.